A button in case you wanna link to this page! Download this and use it if you want to link back to this page!

Trinity Essence of Unadulterated Expression

(voidling astryl linalool)

Voidling AstrĂ½l Linalool

Who? What do you do? "Trinity Essence"? "Voidling"?
Status (17 Nov 2024)
It's been two literal months since my last status update BUT!! I'm not dead!! I can't die, silly!! I have plans for this place and they WILL come to fruition!!
The Hoard Guestbook Credits
Webspace neighbors
Update v0.20240917A

- Favicon real!

Update v0.20240909A

- Now my pagedoll says different stuff each time you visit!

Update v0.20240905A

- The eye guarding the ENTER page now follows you with its never-resting gaze!

Update v0.20240904B

- Adjusted the update box so it wouldn't do stupid things.

Update v0.20240904A

- Added the update box.


Under Construction sign

To do: